Wednesday, December 31, 2008

National Body Challenge

Hi there -- I was being a couch potato (heh, real inspirational, I know) and I saw these commercials for the National Body Challenge sponsored by Discovery Health. I went to the Web site and registered and it's actually really awesome. It's more motivational than like, and those things and it helps you set practical (well, I suppose we'll see about that) goals.
I'm going to kick it of the first week of Jan. Because right now I'm working around the clock for a deadline and that's always a nightmare food/activity scenario.
Check it out here --

There are even toolkits for families and groups:

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year, New You...I mean Me

The countdown to the new me is on. I have 32.5 hours left to eat whatever I can get my hands on - hey at least I am honest. I do this every year - I get all motivated to lose weight after New Years, so I let myself eat everything in site leading up to the big event and then I am so fat and lethargic when it gets here that I can't lift a finger. You'd think I would learn - after all I am no spring chicken. I did pretty good at Thanksgiving, but the closer I get to NYE the more pounds I have packed on. I must admit that the feel of my tight jeans is somewhat motivating. But it didn't stop me from having some Crunch N Munch and Planet Sub today.

I will check in on New Years Day and let you know if 2009 is my year to finally slim down. But don't hold your breath!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Would you intervene where god can not?

I would like:

1. A flat stomach
2. No stretch marks on said flat stomach
3. Perkier boobs
4. A vagina - the same one I had a few months ago BEFORE giving birth
5. And my feet back. I have all of these lovely shoes and pregnancy did a number on me!

Please let me know by midnight tonight.



PS. I have been fairly good this year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

So um ya...

In the past 2 days I have made cheesecake that included 3 lbs of cream cheese & white chocolate & dark chocolate. I have made monkey munch, 7up cake, clam chowder with potatoes & 1/2 & 1/2 & creamed corn. I am about to make chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies oh - and I've made 1 of probably 3 batches of fudge. Will any of this make it to my office so that I can get other people to eat it? Some but not all of it.


My husband and I did decide that we would make some flourless quiches for lunch. Just get creative because we are not doing sandwiches and to tell the truth salads are just too much. I figure if we do quiches then we get all the protein that we could want and get creative with the veggies we put in. I'm making the first one tomorrow in between making the cookies and fudge.

Finances. Well, we were not really doing presents this year but we finally caved in 4 days prior to I am getting some cash money from my Dad to go towards a I am FINALLY getting a REAL CAMERA. I haven't had one since highschool! So I am stoked about that!

My mom is in town starting Wednesday and she was going to start on the South Beach as well. So I think that we are going to start it officially officially once she gets here. That way I can show her how to make everything and it will show me how easy it is to make some of this stuff. I did a chicken dish the other night that I thought was going to take forever and I think I spent about 10 minutes on it.

Here is to Christmas and falling off of the bandwagon. I'm still trying to keep on it and will do so and until the new year and then I'll really get serious.

Here I go.

Friday, December 19, 2008

i've been lax on checking in, and here's why --

my days started going back to hell in a handbasket about 2 weeks ago when some Surprise! deadlines came my way. those are the days when Bebe is left in her crib after nap a bit too long and Ro runs around eating candy while watching Noggin.
In other words, they're the days I'm not proud of my mothering.
But I really don't know how anyone (who doesn't send their kids to daycare for at least a couple of hours a day) who works from home with little ones can do it any differently. It's still wonderful to be home with them and seeing all the first little things they do -- especially with BB -- so I'm not complaining. Well, I was up until 3 am last night. So maybe I'm complaining just a teeny bit.
Anyway, when I have to stay up late and work, my brain starts firing on all cylinders and I can't get to sleep for at least an hour after I actually stop working. The whole time I'm yelling at myself, "Just freaking go to bed, already!" but I somehow can't turn off the mental noise.
Anyway, when work starts to take over, it's also impossible to make time for exercise. Or, it is, but it means that I'll be going to be that much later. And sleep is precious, so, as you can see, this is a tough call for me. I did read an article about giving yourself the gift of exercise, and I really like that idea. I've decided -- even if it's only one afternoon a week -- I'm taking an hour and walking.
I've actually started doing pretty well on sugar. I did some protein loading (is that even a thing?) for a couple of to kind of break the sugar craving a bit and it helped. I've had a few pieces of candy and a cookie in the last 3 days, but that's doing pretty well considering it's me and it's the holidays.
Ok, long and rambling post, but the gist is that I'm still committed to this, and even if it's just me on here saying that work ruled the week (as it had for 2 weeks now) then so be it. I wish I had better news, but, ah well.
Another good thing: I've walked once this week so far and I felt so good afterwards. I just have to remember that feeling!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let's get this party started!

Ok, I am finally ready to start blogging and getting my rear in gear. Let me start by introducing myself. I am a 30 something mom, currently going through a divorce. I am a generally happy person that is blessed to have a wonderful and loving family and the best friends I could ever imagine. This has been a difficult year for me, cross country move, new job, new house, divorce, job stability, etc, etc, etc. But we all have a story and we all have struggles - the trick is figuring out how to overcome them and to make the most of this awesome life!

Now to explain my alias, MO42. I recently purchased a WiiFit. It's great - I love it, but be warned that the startup process is a little humbling. You might not want to do it in front of a group like I did right after eating Thanksgiving dinner. Not that everyone doesn't know I am a big girl, but watching my Mii plump up was a tad embarrassing. Not to mention the fact that they throw your weight and BMI up on the screen. However, the hardest part to watch by far is when they assign you your Wii age. So, my WiiFit told me that I am morbidly obese and that my Wii age is 42, hence MO42. How much motivation should a person need?

So, now that we have establish my opportunities and challenges, let's move on to the plan. My first goal is to finalize my divorce by the end of the year. This one is a little out of my control, but here's hoping! My next goal is to start losing some of this weight. In all I need to lose about 90 pounds, but my goal is 75 for now. I am going to try to start going back to my yoga and pilates classes, walk on the treadmill at least 3 times a week and try to work in some WiiFit here and there just for fun. Then there is the food - oh how I love sweets! So, I am not going to torture myself and shoot for no sugar or carbs because I know myself and it is just not going to happen - period! So, I am going to try to work in some more fruits and veggies and just try to cut down on portions. Finally, there is the financial goal. This divorce is going to stick me with some significant debt, so I have developed a very aggressive budget. I started by restructuring my debt - I moved a big chunk over to a card with no interest and I am making extra payments on this account. My goal is to have this paid off within 6 months. Now I just need to keep my job so this can all work out!

My biggest hurdle in all of this is that I am a stress eater. And I have had no shortage of stress this year, so this is going to be a challenge. But, with the support of all of you I hope to make this work. My ultimate goal is just to be happy and healthy - god knows I have so much to be thankful for!

Wish me luck! But, don't hold your breath - this could take awhile! ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008

I have goals and I will follow them!!!

Good luck to me, right? I'm in the same boat/mood as javagirl. But I am simply not goal oriented. Period. This can be a good thing, or a very bad thing. For right now, I am going to go with the flow...

DIET: My goal is not weight loss and my habit is to NEVER step on a scale. I haven't stepped on a scale since we started this thing. That doesn't stop me from feeling the growing muffin top. I have read about the Basic Cayce Diet , now I am trying to do it. I am a sugar hound, so if I even manage to do 10%sugar, 40%Acid & 50% Alkaline -- I'll consider it an accomplishment for me. I have purchased vegetables. Celery, carrots, pears, spinach, radish, grapes, broccoli brussel sprouts. I spent an hour and a half chopping these things up so I might actually eat them instead of never preparing them and "magically" find them rotting a week later. This is also an attempt to keep my mouth busy and reaching for a radish rather than a pixie stix. 20%/80%. I think that's a goal. And I think it might kill me.

FINANCES: Gee, this sand looks nice from down here....

ORGANIZATION: No clue. Scrapped the goals. I'm just doing it. Doing what? HIIK. Just something, anything... to get the space and less of that overwhelming feel. Maybe then my brain will clear and function for the formation of an actual maintenance game plan.

I really am a wonderful person who can present great face in public. This stuff is not the real me. =p

For the rest of you girls -- you rock! I only have myself and a bunch of critters to chase about (hubby included) Keep at your goals and keeping your kiddos in line! =)

Weigh in...results

Diet/Exercise: I weighed in a week ago Wednesday....I was down again! Final results...I took 5th place at the gym with a total loss of 17# in 8weeks (9.2%) of my starting weight. No $$$ won, but a valiant effort. The last week and a half has not gone as well. Only 3 workouts and I have found myself slacking on the food now that the weight loss challenge (and $ incentive) is over. Funny how I was still down yet another 1.5# when I stepped on the scale?!
Finances: BK and I are thinking about refinancing...we are at 5.875% on a 30yr fixed loan and rates seem to be plummeting right now...anyone have any insight to They have a refi loan right now at 4.75% for a 30yr fixed. If we could do that it sure would make month to month a little easier!
Family: ACK (daughter) is having tonsils and adenoids out on Tuesday. Lots of prayers for her...she is VERY nervous. Mommy is nervous, too. (being a pediatric ICU nurse never helps when you "know too much"). We have had a few conversations about it this week and I think both of us have benefited from the heart to heart's. She and I are going to the hospital super early and BK is staying home with KJK (son) that day. Hopefully it will just turn into some good mommy-daughter time.
Goals for this week: 1) Stay sane! I will be stuck at home with a post-op 5yr old and a busy 2yr old for the week....hopefully I'll get at least a few treadmill times in. 2) Continue researching the refi option for the house.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't want to do this.

Not today. Last week I did not meet any of my goals. I ate carbs, didn't excercise and had way to much sugar and spent money on things I didn't need.

I did pay off one credit card though.

So this week has started off good/bad. I made a great chicken salad and then topped it off with a milkshake. Okay - I am putting our lunches together tonight though.

My only excuse...well - I was sick and have a sick child...but still - should have at least kept it somewhat together.

Go me for next week!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

since we're confessing our holiday sins

I had started with a quiet little commitment to NOT bake a ton of Christmas cookies.
Well, I've been eating sugar cookies for two days now. The do go quite well with the Holiday Roasterie blend, though, I tell you. That's a heavenly combo.
I actually froze half the dough in a desperate attempt to avoid eating a couple of dozen cookies myself. So far, it's working.
My friend Chris brought some awesome homemade veggie burgers last night and the best butternut squash soup over to share. He's inspired me to get back on the wagon of cooking right for the family. (Doesn't mean they'll eat it, but hey, a girl can try.)
I think I'm going to forfeit the no sugar days thing and go with (what I think Lauren suggested?) taking two bites of anything I feel I really want. My hope is that eventually I'll feel guilty about throwing away all those treats and slow down a bit.
I did the workouts last week! This week though, not so good so far. I'm back on the horse tonight once the kids are in bed.
Weirdly enough, I think working out actually now works for me. Go figure. Never worked as a young person, but having babies does crazy things to your body.
P.S. The only good thing I've been pretty consistent on is keeping fresh veggies cut up in the frig to munch on. My cheese cube and other snacking has been cut down substantially. I put them out on the table before dinner while I'm cooking and I'm less likely to nibble as I cook. Another plus, I get some raw food in which is so good for you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I suck

I have had nothing but coffee, cake, muffin and a bacon cheeseburger to eat today....what was my previous post. Wasn't I starting the South Beach Monday?

I don't get paid until tomorrow. I will then go to the grocery store...much needed...and get my gluttonous ass back on the wagon.

Monday, December 8, 2008

2009 is around the corner...

Where did the week go? WHERE DID 2008 GO?!!! Is it just me or did this year just FLY by? I mean, it literally just seemed to disappear. Where is the magician of time? Perhaps it was just a traumatic year for us. No, not really, it just started off with my Grandma dying. We will be/are floundering this year for the holidays. Not only is our family significantly smaller, but she was the party. I'm not sure we can compare. Kinda makes for a small celebration when it is just your husband and your parents. Hmmm. This is why I will enjoy a beer in Mexico this holiday vaca!

I have resorted to stupid exercise moves while I am running about the house. Since I cannot (motivate myself to) complete actual exercise sessions, I am counting carting loads of laundry & junk up & down 3 floors of stairs as exercise. I am doing leg lifts (using the dog as a weight) while watching the little bit of TV that I get to watch. I am doing back and side bends while folding laundry. Maybe I'll do some plies and releves too while cooking. I do need to commit to working on flexibility though, seriously...My foot used to rotate around my head in ballet, now I have issues touching the floor. So sad.

I made a nice salad for dinner last night. Then my husband made a pizza. I am weak, people.

We are just collecting our savings right now. Running strictly off of cash. Once we complete our trip to see the TX wintering parents, we'll see how much we (didn't) spent and pay off that first credit card. I should have a better plan regarding the rest of our debt after that.

Speaking of TX wintering parents... send a few thoughts out for us please. Pop-in-law is going thru surgery this week. Found cancerous tumor #2 in his throat and they're removing his voicebox. Good thing- stuff is found, but a lot of frustration from not being able to communicate. (has arthritus, so writing is difficult too). We'd appreciate it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday...where did the week go?

Well, it went that is for sure!

Actually all in all it was pretty start with. I worked out twice this week...was hoping for 3 times but no. Actually - I did make it to 3...I forgot. I remember thinking 'wow this is crazy, I'll actually make my goal' then realized that I was about reading to start with the monthly bill. For some reason that makes me stay up later, want to work out, eat right...if only that feeling would last without the extras.

Anyway. Finances are somewhat on track. Still hanging in there although I've added another want. I want a new car. Specifically an Audi A8 or A6. So hopefully in the next year I will be posting a picture of me in the car. Maybe I'll go as far as posting a picture of a svelt me naked in the car. Or even better yet a svelt me, naked in the car, with a ton of cash around me. Aren't you supposed to visualize what you want? Ha, well, maybe you don't want to visualize...

I am starting back on the South Beach Diet this coming week. I did very very well on it and enjoy it. It is fun for the whole family. I like the fact that it allows you to make mistakes and if you fall of the truck then you can back to step one. The other fact that I LOVE about it is that in the first couple of weeks you pretty much ween yourself off of carbs and sugars. Then you can introduce them back in and find out which ones work with your tummy. So - I have been wanting to start back on this but it hasn't happened quite yet. I'm hitting the grocery store tomorrow....gotta get my list done first.

Finances...well - since I want a car...things will get rearranged and believe me it was so hard passing up the A8 this weekend. I was so close to walking in there and out with a payment. But my wonderful husband stepped in at my moment of weakness...and the baby was that helped. We are sticking to our original plan. Yes we are.

So for Christmas. I haven't set anything aside. We haven't even thought about Christmas presents. I feel several different ways about this. My Mom and I never really did much of anything. Mainly we were broke all the time and couldn't buy anything and we always passed it off as 'oh - we don't have to have presents at Christmas'. At times this was fine but there was always a feeling of sadness on Christmas morning when we didn't have presents under the tree. I still got my yearly ornament but having something else, well, it would have been nice. This year, well, no presents. I really want a present. I really want something to unwrap on Christmas morning. Then I think that it would have to be something that I would remember for years to come for it to be worth it. What is it about Christmas and presents? I really would rather save the money versus buying clothes or some small trinket. Now with a kid, I'm trying to think of how I would like Christmas' to be at our house. Do we really need oodles of toys? or gifts that we don't really need? Is there some sort of compromise? I would love to cook a great dinner and have a wonderful breakfast. Something that we would continue doing every year. The same wonderful things. So when you wake up on Christmas morning you smell the same muffins cooking or something just scrumptious. Open a few presents and laze about the rest of the day. I would like for my kid to know that rather than all the toys or clothes or what-have-you.

Now if someone were to give me an Audi A8 or A6 for Christmas...well, believe me I would take it.

I just wonder if there isn't another way that we should be approaching this when one is cash strapped - or - even if we aren't.

So this week. My goal is to figure out Christmas. Work out 4 times this week. Go grocery shopping for my 1st week on the diet. And enjoy the time with the family.

Good luck girls and I love being able to share and to read what you all are doing!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

checking in -- trying to keep myself on track

These mid-week check ins help me bcz I take stock of what I'm behind on while there's still time to make some changes.
Today is my first, near successful day on the no sugar. But trust me, it was touch and go more than once when I realized I had all the ingredients for no-bake cookies. Which could be my favorites because it is the only cookie dough you can eat without risking salmonella.
anyways, I've done pretty well on working out. I've been trying to hit it during the day while the kids nap and if I can't do it then I do it at night after they go to bed. Of course, though, as always happens, when I start working out I get totally freaking hungry all the time. So that's still a challenge but I have cooked every night this week so at least I haven't been (over)eating take out.
I really love Jes' finance inspiration. I'm hoping once the holidays are over, we can get back on track there at my house as well.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sitting in the bottom dip...

Of the roller coaster, that is. I'm on the down side, mustering all hope to keep on the up side.
1. Diet & exercise -- if I can remember to keep my brain in gear and bring my lunch, instead of leaving it on the entry hall trunk/table... I might eat healthier, instead of feeding my cats healthier. (Cause you KNOW they smelled that little cornish game hen and brussel sprouts, warming to room temp and tantalizing them to shred the packaging and gorge on the tasty innards) The little monsters will force me to learn about the vaccuum tonight. I did 2 days of walking last week, then Thxgvg break and sickness. I am a toad on a rock when it comes to sickness and I have done nothing.
2. Finances -- here's a word to the wise, don't be the responsible one in a marriage and assume all debt to "help" because you have the better credit rating. And then, don't get divorced AND remarry someone who is like you and has done the same thing. And then try to support 2 house payments while one doesn't sell for 17 months. I'm drowning here. I love Kim's method of using one paycheck for bills and the other for paying off...problem is, it can't apply to us. We're too tight. And I don't have eating out, lates, make-up or any other frivolties to "cut". I've done the unthinkable and started getting the cheaper cat litter. This may be disaster in our household.

I've got some humor here to make myself feel better but in reality, I'm sharing the dirty details because I KNOW I'm not the only one. Baby steps are an understatement. My hubby rocks by having the ability & career to be able to get side jobs which slowly bring in extra $$. I have the ability to juggle and manage like a pro. But I just want to head back up the other side of the roller coaster.... I want kids.


Okay ladies...

Hopefully this will inspire.

Kim inspired me with her tale of paying of all debt in a matter of months by paying all bills then going back and putting the extra towards debt.

So - I have finally been able to set aside my financial goals (with being back to work and all).

I plan on paying off 3 cards by the end of January. 1 card by the middle of March and 1 card off by the end of May. After that we will have 1 card (how many frickin' cards do we have?...) plus my medical debt (due to new baby and all). If I can manage the first portions then I want the last card plus medical debt paid off by the end of 2009. PLUS - I plan on saving $700 by April to pay for the flight back for a friends' wedding PLUS I need to save approximately another $300 by May to pay for expenses while there and rental car.

In order to do this - well, yes, I am going to have to make some sacrifices. NO MORE LATTES. UGH! That is a MAJOR sacrifice. Plus I am going to have to go back to work full time NEXT WEEK.

After looking at our expenses and seeing what we could pay off, etc. well, I couldn't believe that our actual major bills that come every month don't really amount to much (well, they do but hey - not as bad once you have some payments knocked off). It just means more in the bank and if I can survive for a few months hunkering down and paying this stuff of - hell ya I'm taking a BIG FLIPPIN' VACATION.

So hopefully I'm "paying this forward" by giving you a little inspiration by looking at whatever you possibly can "give up" in order to save save off debt, etc. And now I definitely will have the peer pressure on me to get this done!

Okay - it is late. I'm sick. I need to go to bed. I'll write more later on any details you may want to know. Such as if I rethink this whole thing tomorrow....

Monday, December 1, 2008

A week of backsliding

Jeez, I knew it would be tough but I didn't realize it would be so tough to keep a schedule throughout the week. I had kids missing naps, lunches, and trying to meet deadlines while people were out of the office.
Consequently, food was a bad deal. I did pretty well til the dips started showing up on Thanksgiving. Thankfully, we didn't have a ton of desserts, so besides (two) pieces of sweet potato pie, I did pretty well. Yes, only have two pieces of pie on T-giving is an accomplishment in my book. Heh.
I got in a big fat ZERO workouts last week. I just felt so tired.
I also broke down on the drive thrus. We went through for coffee and danish after church on Sunday. But other than a pizza night, we did pretty well on outside food.
Well, a bright side is that last week proves my theory that lacking a schedule is my worst enemy when it comes to staying on top food issues, money and work. When all bets are off on my day, it seems that it carries on over to my food and my general well-being. Did I mention I was totally anxiety-ridden last week?
Ok, for this week, I'm going to focus on getting back on track for our daily schedule. Meaning, naps for kids and working while they are napping. I'll shoot for two sugar-free days this week and I'm going to bring back the work outs. I'll say three workouts this week will be my goal.
The finances are kind of hopeless right now until we're caught up on a few things, which should be after the 15th of this month. So I hope to reinstate financial goals that week.

Ready for weigh in this week!

Well, this is it...weigh in for my 8 week weight loss challenge is this Wednesday! Jumped on the scale this afternoon and was down to 169.8# !!! Total loss so far: 14.6#! Whoo hoo!! I feel like I broke the 170 threshold and hopefully there is no looking back! I did good on Turkey Day...ate what I wanted, but used a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. Took 3-4 bites of everything and even went back for a small plate of seconds! :) I was able to get a work out in on Friday w/ the Fam. I ran on the treadmill for 30min while BK (hubby) played B-ball w/ the kids. Then we all shot some hoops and chased kids for another 30min.
I took a major step in savings this past week, too. It won't sound like much to some, but I set up my online banking to w/draw $50 every month and AUTOMATICALLY place it in savings. Hopefully KJK (son) will decide he is ready to be potty trained soon and the $50/mo from diapers will end up in savings instead! :)
My Goals this Week:
1) "Weigh in Wednesday" (I like that...has a nice ring) Hopefully I'll meet my final goal of 168.4# for the 8 weeks (2# per week)....I'll keep you posted!
2) Workout at least 3-4 times this week.
3) Put Holiday decorations up with the Fam! AJK (daughter) has been "patiently" waiting for this.
4) Stop the "Santa" shopping! Santa has done enough already! AJK and KJK need to be happy w/ what they have!
5) Stop and ENJOY my kids and hubby. Sometimes I get so focused on getting "stuff" done that I forget this important step.

Until we blog again....
ACK (me)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just a quickie

If I work out today I will have accomplished my goals...for 3 days a week. I knew that if I told myself to work out every day then I would get at least 3 how the mind works.

Thanksgiving was not too terribly bad. Although making a cheesecake AND having left overs of said cheesecake didn't help anything. I don't care for turkey so I unfortunately ate all the wonderful sides! But kept it to a minimum and probably drank more wine than I ate food - well, actually I'm sure of that. Didn't someone say something about a liquid diet?

This next week is the start of 3 weeks of work prior to our 2 week shutdown. So I am going to have to hunker down. Next weeks goals:

1. Work out every day.
2. NO Carbs.
3. Go over budget
4. Decide on what is going to go into savings (and what for).
5. Dinners as a family at the dinner table (even when both of us are not home at the same time).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My scale hates me...

I think my scale is lying to me. It is lying to me in order for me to not stand on it for more than 2 seconds...I figure it is thinking "lie to her so she gets her fat butt off of me!" Ha. No, seriously, gained 5# then the very next day lost 3#? What? So I figure it just wanted to give me a boost of self confidence. I think you can get these scales at Target...

My whole work out every day for 30 minutes is actually working. I kind of figured that if I said that I would do something every day I may reach my 3 days a week goal. This way if things come up or exhaustion creeps back in - well - I haven't waited until Sunday to do my 3 days worth of working out.

And the eliptical is back in working condition. Ahhhh....

So far we have had one dinner at (or near) the dinner table - no tv....just a book and the computer...hmmm...maybe have to work on that one. However, we did manage to touch base on a few things. It was actually quite nice. Who knew you could eat without hgtv?

Tonight - well - I was tired. Baby boy was up at 1am instead of 3am and it just screwed me up. Plus my 2 quad lattes didn't help either. Although I did crash but then couldn't sleep from 1 until about 4am...

By the way - I just remembered something that really helped me get back into shape at one time - running or walking or biking for only 20 minutes. You start out slow and then every minute you build up to a higher intensity until you reach 18 minutes and this should be your highest then you start back down for 2 min. It burns more than walking or running or biking for 30 minutes. I completely believe in this as this is what our trainer in college would do for our workouts. It was a constant build up of intensity and then worked our way back down. So - this is something that I am going to do differently the rest of the week. I figure 20 minutes - no problem.

Good luck over T-day! Remember - small portions. You'll thank yourself!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Topping my Talents

Week 2? Thank goodness I made a fancy spreadsheet to keep track of myself. Too bad I'm not managing to acomplish any goals. I did stuff. I rearranged the basement and rearranged the stuff in the kitchen cupboards. Completely avoided any of my goals and managed to gain 2 pounds in the process.

And I super-glued my fingers together. I'm not joking.. and they're not in a confortable position either. I think this tops my list of talents!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Week (aka Hell Week)

Ok, I'm going to keep it pretty simple this week, everybody. The focus this week is not backsliding on the things I've had success with (no drive thrus, exercise, no outside food).

The no sugar thing is going to be a nightmare this week. If I can keep it to 2 days clean, then I'll say I did pretty well.

Jes -- I wanted to say way to go on the organization thing! I love that idea of having a Do list around the house.

On finances, I wanted to tip you all off to where you can track expenses and budgets and even input your cell phone, credit card info and loan info and they will compare rates and current deals available out there to give suggestions on cutting back on your bills. Another one with supposedly even more tie-in's with more bank databases is

Javagirl Sign in Sunday....

I have gained 5# this week.

Boo frickin Hoo.

And the eliptical is broken.

The first day (I should have started on Thursday) that I get on the thing and it is broken. Dodo is trying to fix the thing now.

So mentally how do you think I feel? The first thing I thought when the eliptical all of a sudden broke with me on it was that I was too damn fat to be on the thing. Maybe not but criminy.

Anyway. I did do very well with food in the mornings and for lunch but then...the drive-thrus were too darn easy. There is a Burgerville on my way home from LiDo's sitter. Right there. Why does it have to be right there. I am considering taking an alternate route home but that one takes me by Dutch Bros. Coffee. Either way - I'm screwed if I don't start getting some self control.

The egg cupcakes - FANTASTIC ladies. Just make sure that you put in enough cilantro. For one big egg-beater thing I use a 1 bunch of cilantro and make sure you add tobasco. It was so nice having them already made up as well. I just kept them in a bag in the frig and popped one in the microwave in the mornings and then I would pack 4 with me to take to work and have 2 for lunch and then I'd have 2 if I had any cravings in the afternoon.

So I have breakfast and lunch covered and this next week - dinner will be cooked by me! Plus I think that you add 1# every time you put your arm through the window of your car.

Finances: Well - since this was the first day back to work - I'm making money. I did buy something that I hope will keep me organized and financially on track. It is called an UnCalendar. You put in the dates and it has colorful pages and boxes and places to list things and boxes just to doodle and put notes in. I LOVE IT. Because Dodo has a very weird schedule and because we don't get much time at all to really see each other this calendar is going to be kept on our desk - right in front of the monitor. Any household supplies, grocery items, etc. will be written down in one of the list blocks. Then at the end of the week - well I either buy it or it goes on the next weeks list to accumulate for a bigger shopping trip rather than a small one where I would end up buying needless things.

I am also putting down items that I need Dodo to do (Dodo's Do List...hahaha). Oh - by the way - they do not call it a "to do" list but a "do" list. I like that. This will help both of us because like any husband and wife...we both get on each other (or mainly me on him) for not doing enough. Now - he will know exactly what I want done around there and what I would like for him to do. And the best thing is he is fine with that! It has already helped out a lot. The only thing that I will probably do is put sticky notes on the page of lists for the grocery and supply items. This way I can just take the sticky in with me vs. the whole calendar.

By the way - does anyone have a Wii Fit? If so - do you like it and is it worth it?

My wonderful goals for this next week (Week 3?):
1. Thanksgiving meals...I will only take enough food to have 2 or 3 bites of one thing especially if there are a gazillion items that I want to eat. This way I am not overstuffing myself AND I get to at least taste what I love...

2. Budget...I feel like whatever I do have will be blown since I am making some dishes to take to the T-Day places we are crashing. Oh well. I love cooking for others. I'll just not do as much as I normally would do and make them want more next time.

3. Excercising...Hopefully the eliptical will work. This week - well - I am going for all of it. I can't do the 3 day or 4 day thing. Like my Mom said - work out 30 minutes every day (just a walk). So that is what I am going to do. 30 minutes a day (as long as the eliptical works).

4. Family...When we can have dinner together - it will be at the table and not in front of the TV. Also - we are going to implement a bit of an evening schedule (I hate schedules) for Lido. So every other night it will be bath time at 7:30ish and then a bottle and book. Hopefully this may get him to sleep through the night. On the other nights it will be some play time and then bottle book thing happening.

5. Sanity...I'm still trying to figure this one out.

Good luck girls over the Thanksgiving holiday! Pace yourselves and you'll love yourself for it! Keep the mindset that it is not about the food - it is about the company!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reposting my goals for this week

I thought it would be good to list out my goals here so I can track them here. I noticed I've dropped off on some of these this week. Update on Sunday to come.

1. Organizational: Get control of our daily schedule. Map it out (done!). Schedule playdates around that schedule, not the other way around.
Goal for Week 2: Set aside 15 mins before bed to pick up toys, straighten up as much as possible in 15 mins.

2. Organizational: Get the kids' afternoon nap to start at the same time. Work on freelance during that time.
Week 2: Same

3. Fitness: Walk or play outside 3 times a week.
Week 2: Walk or play outside 4 times next week.

4. Spiritual: Before my feet hit the floor, give thanks and praise for the day. Ask for help to proceed through the day with loving kindness.
Week 2: Same.

5. Spiritual: Go to church Sunday. Confession monthly.
Week 2: Same

6. Fitness: No drive-thru's. No sugar. (starting small here, girls)
Week 2: No buying meals out at all for next week.

7. Financial: Put money that would've been spent on outside food into a jar to work towards 'big give' in February.
Week 2: Same

8. Mental: Don't beat myself up if I fall off the wagon for a day. Get right back up the next day.
Week 2: Same

Welcome to the Peer Pressure!

Okay ladies - our new venture into the web. Or should I say "adventure". This blog has been born from a couple of us seeking an easier way to communicate our goals, trials and tribulations, our successes, our moments of weekness, our moments of triumph, and ideas. Instead of emails going back and forth we will be sharing with the world...lets see how it may grow!

Since we are sharing with the world - maybe we should do some background information....

We are a group of women from different walks of life, different economic 'levels' (if broke has different levels) and different family structures (those with kids and those without kids). We decided that we needed some support in the middle of our younger days to reach some of our weight loss goals, savings goals, budget goals, and organizational goals. Plus we thought it would be a good avenue to share our ideas with our friends.

Each week we share how our previous week has gone. What goals we reached, what we want to work on, etc. We also share ideas on what to cook/eat, how to pay off those pesky credit card bills, how to save money and how we may become better organized.

Personally, I think this is a very cool thing we are doing especially since we can all learn from each other and appreciate the fact that we are not alone out there. Even if we have financial or family differences - we all will end up sharing something similar.

The final reason why I think this is a very cool thing - no one is doing this to "compete" against another person. Why do we say "making peer pressure work for you"? Well, because it can work for you and it can work in a positive way. This is a positive approach to reaching your goals. It is a positive approach to supporting your fellow women and friends.

So girls - start blogging!