Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My scale hates me...

I think my scale is lying to me. It is lying to me in order for me to not stand on it for more than 2 seconds...I figure it is thinking "lie to her so she gets her fat butt off of me!" Ha. No, seriously, gained 5# then the very next day lost 3#? What? So I figure it just wanted to give me a boost of self confidence. I think you can get these scales at Target...

My whole work out every day for 30 minutes is actually working. I kind of figured that if I said that I would do something every day I may reach my 3 days a week goal. This way if things come up or exhaustion creeps back in - well - I haven't waited until Sunday to do my 3 days worth of working out.

And the eliptical is back in working condition. Ahhhh....

So far we have had one dinner at (or near) the dinner table - no tv....just a book and the computer...hmmm...maybe have to work on that one. However, we did manage to touch base on a few things. It was actually quite nice. Who knew you could eat without hgtv?

Tonight - well - I was tired. Baby boy was up at 1am instead of 3am and it just screwed me up. Plus my 2 quad lattes didn't help either. Although I did crash but then couldn't sleep from 1 until about 4am...

By the way - I just remembered something that really helped me get back into shape at one time - running or walking or biking for only 20 minutes. You start out slow and then every minute you build up to a higher intensity until you reach 18 minutes and this should be your highest then you start back down for 2 min. It burns more than walking or running or biking for 30 minutes. I completely believe in this as this is what our trainer in college would do for our workouts. It was a constant build up of intensity and then worked our way back down. So - this is something that I am going to do differently the rest of the week. I figure 20 minutes - no problem.

Good luck over T-day! Remember - small portions. You'll thank yourself!

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